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Maui Professional Pet Sitter's
Lucinda Alexander
POB 1547
Wailuku, HI 96793
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    Maui Pet Sitting Service

    About us

    Gracie Lou (Pembroke Welsh Corgi), Leisel Lou (Cardigan Welch Corgi),
    Robespierre (Pomeranian), Tommy the Cat, and Mimi (Aussie Shepherd Mix).

    Like many other pet owners, we never place our cherished pets in boarding facilities when we traveled. We insist that they remain in their own home while we are away and be cared for by a professional pet sitter that we know and trust.

    Finding such adequate and reliable in-home pet care is proving more and more difficult on Maui. Thus, we decided to form our own company.

    We have three major goals:

    • To cater to and specialize in dog and cat care, with the highest professional standards.

    • To provide "TLC" for the pets of our clients with the same concern and devotion with which we attend to our own pets.

    • To provide total professional home care services by Handy Randys Home Services LLC, our other successful home repair and remodeling company.

    "I have been a passionate animal lover and advocate since early childhood. Growing up in a multiple-pet household, caring for our pets as a part of the family was a value (and gift) handed down from both sets of Grandparents and from my Mother and Father.

    One of my most cherished memories is of getting my first pony, Nicki, on my 8th birthday. Several horses followed, and I spent my teen years riding them, and taking care of animals at the stable, plus caring for my own pets at home.

    My life's mission statement: 'To promote the bond between humans and animals.' I am the person that my friends and associates call with pet questions and stories, and also for support and comfort when their pets are down. I do my part to make Maui a place that does not tolerate animal cruelty or suffering.

    I have served three 3-year terms as a Member of the Board of Directors of the Maui Humane Society, with my most recent term ending in late 2006. During that time I performed many volunteer functions, including:

    Walking and bathing shelter dogs

    Taking homeless animals to shopping centers with the Mobile Adoption program

    Serving as the Chairperson/Producer for the MHS major fundraising events four times.

    Many people on Maui know me as the 'Maui Humane Society volunteer' (who will ask them for a donation), or just as the 'Maui animal lady'!

    I have been a resident of Hawaii since 1984, and have called Maui my home since 1990. I have spent the past 25 years as a successful sales professional and manager in the advertising and visitor publishing business here in Hawaii.

    Since animals are my life long passion, taking care of them is now my profession.

    My pet compassion and professional management skills can all work for you and your pets when you hire Maui Pet Sitters. Our goal is to provide you with the highest standard professional pet sitting and home services."

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