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NJ Pet Sitting Service
Gina Zimunich
223 Millbridge-Millhurst Court
Clementon, NJ 08021
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    FRIENDLY Pet Care

    How we got here and why we SIT and STAY!

    Many years ago when my boys were still quite young, our home was known as the neighborhood zoo. We had all sorts of creatures in residence. And it was quite an attraction it seems and everyone knew they were always welcome to visit.

    We had a Golden Retriever named, Johnny Walker Red. We called him John for short and Johnny when we were overcome with adoration. Which was most of the time. We also had at least 2 cats at any given time, and sometimes 3 or 4. But it hardly stopped there. We had birds, frogs, turtles, rabbits, fish, a goose, hamsters, gerbils, salamanders and other things slimy. There was even a time we had a rat that we called Cagney. Our home was open to all sorts of creatures because of an ever growing interest on the part of the boys, from an interest shared by their mother and from a collection of hearts much too soft to turn away those no longer wanted by others.

    Because of this fascination for living things it was natural that we were so often asked by family, friends and neighbors to care for their pets when they had to be away. And we didn't mind. So one summer I decided it would be a fun project to take this mutual interest and channel it into something of a business venture. At the same time I felt it would teach the boys how it is possible, even advisable to identify and utilize our passions in an entrepreneurial spirit. And this is how we became the neighborhood pet care service.

    On foot and by bike we went around our development inserting homemade flyers into mailboxes offering our services. It was not long before our home turned into even more of a zoo as we opened it up to tanked and caged critters. And we set out again on foot and by bike routinely visiting dogs and cats who were home alone.

    In 2002, along with the help of my two teenaged boys, I started a "for real" pet care service. And I am happy to say that the very thing I tried to impress upon my boys from that summer project is what I have learned as well. When we turn to what is in our heart to guide us, we choose wisely. It is true of love, it is true of our life's work.

    The heart speaks far more softly than the mind. But it speaks more wisely. We must listen carefully.

    FRIENDLY Pet Care
    How we got here and why we SIT and STAY!

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