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Personal Pet Pal, L.L.C.
Dana Swanson
1609 Chelsea Circle
Howell, MI 48843
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    Personal Pet Pal L.L.C.

    Hello and thank you for visiting this site, here you will learn a bit more about Personal Pet Pal, L.L.C., who is behind it, how it was formed and most importantly the why.
    First and foremost you need to know the who and why: 
    Why did I choose to start Personal Pet Pal, L.L.C.? Actually I like to think of this as “it” chose me!
    My name is Dana Swanson, and all of my 42 years of life I have had, loved and cared for numerous types of pets. There has not been one day in my life when I did not have a pet. My love for pets started with a Toy Poodle named Bridgett that we had since before I was born. Up until I was 18 years old I had fish, gerbils, hamsters and I caught a Gardner snake that I named Greenie. My father built a cage for him so that I could keep him safely. I loved Greenie and took good care of him, we even took him to the vet! He was a great snake :)
    Also during my years going up I had a pet Chipmunk, named Chippy. He was my wild pet at the age of 13. He would eat nuts from my hand and he loved to run around my room. I believe we had Chippy for about 5 years and I loved him too! 
    As I grew up my love for pets never diminished, if anything the love grew stronger and still does today! I have a true passion for all animals.
    How was Personal Pet Pal, L.L.C. started? 
    After many years in the corporate world of restaurant management I had decided with the encouragements, love and support from my husband, family and friends to not only do what I had a passion for, but to do what comes natural to me: caring, nurturing, loving and taking care of animals!
    As far as the Company name, that was a simple choice! The name was the brainchild of my husband, Scott. He stated that not only am I a Pal to Pets, but I take my job very personal! Thus giving your pets the "Personal" touch. 
    I am thrilled to be in an industry that goes above and beyond the welfare of pets, Your pets, your family members, your loved ones, your best friends, which seems very simple to me: I treat, respect, love and cherish your pets as if they were my own. And in an offbeat way I feel that they are mine when I care for them. 
    So there you have a quick history of who I am, how I formed Personal Pet Pal, L.L.C. and most importantly why. 

    Personal Pet Pal L.L.C.
    Personal Pet Pal, L.L.C.

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