Sheri Thompson 7105 Moresham Way Wake Forest, NC 27587
Show Phone NumberPhone: (919) 523-7590
Anything But Elephants Pet Sitting/Training/Boarding
Anything But Elephants services Wake Forest, North Raleigh, Rolesville, and the surrounding area. Zip codes 27587, 27613, 27614, 27615 and 27571
Anything But Elephants is a professional, in-home pet sitting service offering you a safe, low-cost alternative to boarding your family pets. We love and respect animals, so we understand the level of quality you desire and will strive to exceed your expectations.
Anything But Elephants provides the following services: pet sitting (morning, mid day, and evening visits), overnight pet sitting, training your puppy to live in your home, dog walks, caring for pets with special needs, home care, and much more!
Anything But Elephants is a proud member of the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters and the Wake Forest Chamber of Commerce. We are bonded and insured for your protection.
Why choose a pet sitter?
Advantages to your pet
Fluffy remains in her safe, secure environment where all the sights, smells, and sounds are familiar. She follows her customary diet, exercise routine, and medications are administered on time. She is not exposed to illnesses or parasites from other animals. Fluffy is not traumatized by travel in a car to and from an unfamiliar environment. She receives a lot of personal attention while you are at work, on vacation, during convalescence, etc.
Advantages to you
Peace of mind! You are not inconvenienced or upset by having to transport Fluffy. You don’t have to impose on your family and friends. Your home is made more secure by crime deterrent measures provided by Anything But Elephants. Additional home services are available as well, like watering your plants and bringing in the mail. And, last but not least, it’s inexpensive!
Wake Forest, Raleigh, Youngsville, Rolesville, NC, pet sitters, pet sitting, pet sitting services, dogs, cats, birds, 27587, 27614, 27616, 27609, 27596, 27571, Sanford, 27332
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