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Waggin' Wheels Pet Sitting Services
Julie Carter
2540 Gearhart Road
Troy, OH 45373
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    Waggin' Wheels Pet Sitting Services


    Pet Sitting – (45 minutes to 1 hour in length)
    I spend more time per visit with your pet than the average pet sitter.  I do NOT believe in rushing into your home and trying to hurry your pets through their routine just so I can squeeze more customers into my schedule.  I allow time for lots of loving care and individualized attention.  Each visit lasts a minimum of 45 minutes and includes all of the following:  Fresh water; food and treats (as instructed by owner); exercise and play; potty breaks; basic oral and topical medications (as instructed by owner); kitty litter cleaned; basic grooming such as brushing/combing; animal accidents cleaned up; and LOTS of love, affection and attention.  All house-sitting services (see list below) are also included free with each pet sitting visit.  There are many other benefits to hiring a professional pet sitter as well. I included a list of these on the "other information" page of my web site.        

    Mid-Day Leash Walking – (Typically 30–45 minutes in duration)
    Actual length of each walk will be based on your dog’s activity level.  I will come to your home in the afternoon and take your dog out for a walk and a potty break.  Remember, a properly exercised dog is a good dog!!!    

    Slumber Party – (This visit will last approximately 12 hours)
    Slumber Parties include everything listed under "Pet Sitting"; plus, I will stay overnight at your home with your pet(s).  It includes both evening and morning feedings (as instructed by owner) and as much care and companionship as I can squeeze into 12 hours!!!    

    Doggie Field Trips / Pet Socialization
    This is only limited by our imagination!  Does your dog need some extra exercise and attention?  I will come to your home to pick up your dog and head off to the dog park, the pet store, or some other pet-friendly destination as determined by owner’s request.    

    Pet Taxi Service – 
    Sometimes there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to get everywhere you need to be.  I can help out by picking your pet up at home and taking them to the veterinarian for routine check-ups or post-surgical follow up visits, to the groomer for an appointment, or to many other destinations as determined by owner’s request.    

    Surgical Recovery Care
    This is definitely one of my specialties.  I would like to say that I learned most of this during my years of working for a veterinarian.  Unfortunately, much of my knowledge has come from taking care of my own pets through the years during countless illnesses, injuries, and surgeries.  To name a just few, I've rehabilitated pets through ACL surgeries, kidney stones, bladder obstructions, ear infections, osteoarthritis, and a horrible battle against a rare fungal infection called blastomycosis.  Surgical Recovery Care includes (as instructed by vet and/or owner):   Basic oral and topical medications; therapy exercises; bandage changes; ice; individualized attention and TLC; plus many other post-surgery needs. 

    House Sitting with no pets(both daily visits and/or overnights are available)
    I will stop by and check on your home while you're away.  Visits include:  Collecting daily newspapers, mail and other deliveries; Trash/Recycling taken to and from the curb;  Alternate inside and outside lighting; Adjust blinds and/or curtains; and many other services upon request.  A professional house sitter provides normal household activity while you're gone which is an excellent crime deterrent.

    Mowing, Weeding, Watering Plants, Shoveling Snow and other Household Chores
    Do you need someone to take care of some of your household chores while you're away? 
    I especially enjoy working outdoors; so if you need a bit of extra help, don't hesitate to ask.

    Basic Obedience Training
    Does your dog still need some work in basic manners and obedience?  I can help you with that.  We can discuss what problems you're having with your dog and what behavioral goals you have for him/her.  Then, I can help you train your dog to become a more obedient and more enjoyable member of the family.

    Waggin' Wheels Pet Sitting Services

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