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Waggin' Wheels Pet Sitting Services
Julie Carter
2540 Gearhart Road
Troy, OH 45373
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    Waggin' Wheels Pet Sitting Services

    Hi!  My name is Julie Carter and I am the owner/operator of Waggin’ Wheels Pet Sitting Services.  I have been around animals my entire life and consider them to be part of my family.  I am very excited about extending my family to include your pets as well.

    When I was growing up, we always had dogs, cats, and horses.  I trained and showed dogs in 4-H for 10 years.  During this time, I also raised a Pilot Puppy for Pilot Dogs, Inc and he later went on to successfully become a Seeing Eye Dog. 
    In addition, I spent several of my summers working for a local veterinarian in his practice.  Originally, I planned to go into veterinary medicine, but later I decided to pursue a career in education instead.  I have been a math teacher for 14 years and have both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in disciplines within secondary education.  My teaching license is still current which means I have successfully passed numerous background checks and my fingerprints are on file with the state. 
    I decided to open this business because it allows me to return to my love of working with animals.  I truly understand how difficult it is to find someone trustworthy to come into your home and take care of your pets while you’re away.  I’ve had more than a few bad experiences boarding my dogs or hiring a "non-professional" to pet sit.  I promise to treat your pet as if it were one of my own.  I feel very privileged to do this for a living and to be able to spend time nurturing people’s pets when they can’t be there to do it themselves.  Please feel free to call or e-mail if you have any questions about me, my web site or any of my services.  I look forward to meeting you and working with your pet family!!!
    Oh, one last thing . . . all of the animals you see on this page are my “kids.”  :-) Santos is my sweet and lovable 10-year old Rottweiler.  Callie is my 8-year old Chocolate Labrador who wants to swim and retrieve far longer and farther than your arm can throw.  Sheriff is the uniquely marked calico cat at the top of the page. Sheriff’s sister is the yellow and white cat at the left who is named Hemi because she has such a great purr.  Shasta is the white cat on my lap who seems to like to spend as much time as possible curled up there.  I am truly blessed to have such wonderful animals in my life.  I absolutely believe all of our animals are a gift from God and should be treated as such!

    Waggin' Wheels Pet Sitting Services
    Waggin' Wheels Pet Sitting Services

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