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Pet Sitting Services near zipcode 23703

   CritterCare, Inc
Pet sitting Service

Portsmouth, VA 23703
Critter Care, Inc. In - Home Pet Sitting services. We allow your pets to stay in the comfort and familiar surroundings of their home by coming and taking care of their needs, including daily medication.
CritterCare, Inc<br>Pet sitting Service

0.10 mi. CritterCare, Inc
Pet sitting Service

Portsmouth, VA 23703
Critter Care, Inc. In - Home Pet Sitting services. We allow your pets to stay in the comfort and familiar surroundings of their home by coming and taking care of their needs, including daily medication.
CritterCare, Inc<br>Pet sitting Service
0.10 mi. FriendsNFur
Pet Sitter Portsmouth Virginia

Portsmouth, VA 23703
Friends-N-Fur dog sitting services is devoted to giving your dogs the top of the line care that he/she needs while you are away. You can rest assured that your pet will be in the hands of an experienced pet sitter and well educated individual.
FriendsNFur<br>Pet Sitter Portsmouth Virginia
5.62 mi. Helping Hand Animal Care
Pet Sitting, Chesapeake, VA

Chesapeake, VA 23321
Helping Hand Animal Care prides itself in offering more than the best possible care for your animals. We will take out the trash/recyclables, bring in your mail & newspapers, turn different lights on when we leave and adjust blinds and curtains
Helping Hand Animal Care<br>Pet Sitting, Chesapeake, VA
6.10 mi. Posh pet Sitting and Training
Posh pet Sitting And Training Posh pet Sitting And Training

Norfolk, VA 23505
Pet Sitting Service
Posh pet Sitting and Training<br>Posh pet Sitting And Training Posh pet Sitting And Training
8.83 mi. PAWSitively Pampered Pets
Professional Pet Sitting Service

Norfolk, VA 23503
We are a professional pet sitting service serving all of Norfolk and portions of Chesapeake and Virginia Beach. Our goal is to maintain a safe and loving environment for your pets in your absence.
PAWSitively Pampered Pets<br>Professional Pet Sitting Service
12.43 mi. Home Safe N' Happy Pet Care Services
Welcome to Home Safe n' Happy Pet Care Services.

Hampton, VA 23669
Home Safe N" Happy is a professional pet sitting bisiness in the Hampton, Newport News VA area. We offer IN-home Pet Sitting, Dog walking and House sitting services.Professional Pet Sitting, Dog walking and House Sitting Services
Home Safe N' Happy Pet Care Services<br>Welcome to Home Safe n' Happy Pet Care Services.
12.89 mi. Polly & Pals, inc.
Karen Ter Meer

Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Pet Sitting Service
13.15 mi. Regal Siberian Cattery
Marina Vat

virginia beach, VA 23455
Pet Sitting Service
18.05 mi. Bones N Belly Rubs
Jenny Wells

Virginia Beach, VA 23453
Pet Sitting Service
Bones N Belly Rubs<br>Jenny Wells
18.05 mi. All Critterpetsitting,LLC
All Critterpetsitting,LLC

Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Pet owners are often faced with the dilemma of what to do with their pets when traveling away from home. If you are like most pet owners, you either board your pet or arrange for friends and neighbors to take care of your pet while you're away. However, transporting your pet to a kennel can be inconvenient, and friends may not provide the level of care your pet requires. In addition, it is often uncomfortable and awkward to impose on friends and family.
All Critterpetsitting,LLC<br>All Critterpetsitting,LLC
18.07 mi. Home Sweet Home Pet Sitting Service
Home Sweet Home

Yorktown, VA 23693
pet sitting service. We take care of your pets in your own home!
Home Sweet Home Pet Sitting Service<br>Home Sweet Home
18.07 mi. Homefront Pet Care Services
Frieda Cox

Yorktown, VA 23693
Pet Sitting Service
18.43 mi. Pawsatively Wonderful, Inc
Pet Sitting Service, VA

Poquoson, VA 23662
We love animals and we treat your pets as if they were our own pets. Several options are available for you in the pet sitting service. From small domestic to large farm animals and some exotics we have you covered. Small animal first aid/cpr certified. References available. Insured/bonded.
Pawsatively Wonderful, Inc<br>Pet Sitting Service, VA
20.50 mi. All For Paws
Trustworthy Pet Care

Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Fully insured pet care. Pet sits, overnights, dog walks & more. Personal attention with added peace of mind, knowing your pets are safe. At no cost, we provide daily updates via phone, email, text & pix messages. Mail & newspaper, garbage & recycling, watering of plants, security measures & more.
21.17 mi. Auntie A's Pet Sitting
Arlene Ladusky

Newport News, VA 23608
Pet Sitting Service

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