Ann Marie Glaviano 220 Elmwood Dr Naperville, IL 60540
Show Phone NumberPhone: 630-355-0958
PetsNPatients NFP
PetsnPatients seeks to provide resources for non for profit pet care targeting patients at risk of loosing their pet due to serious health challenges by illness or accident by providing a "band-aid" of interim pet care.
The PetsNPatients™ website is designed to be a hub of healing love for sharing inspirational stories that accentuate the healing connection between actual patients and their pets. Your submission is greatly appreciated as we seek to deliver a message of love, hope and faith towards positive outcomes for patients, pets, and the families, caregivers, communities and workplaces that support them. Your submission makes you eligible to become a PetsNPatients Calendar Ambassador team.
We educate and generate a greater national awareness of the positive healing nature of companion animals for patients enduring health crises.
We communicate the need to maintain relationships between patients and their pets during health crises by sharing true stories from our visitors.
We network additional options by development of additional volunteer foster homes, for patients facing the most severe health crises with existing pet rescues.
We are creating funding alliances and collaborative print production to share the mission of PetsNPatients in healing and unconditional love, "one tail at a time" with organizations that value this bond.
PetsNPatients - Lupus Awareness Illinois
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