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Somer Garcia
23411 Aliso Viejo Parkway, Suite 227
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
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    Pet Minded

    The client hereto agrees as follows:

    1) Pet Minded and its employees agree to provide services stated in this contract in  reliable and trustworthy manner. In consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives any and all claims against Pet Minded or its employees, unless arising from negligence on the part of Pet Minded.
         2) Pet Minded or its employees shall not be held responsible for the loss, injury, death,   or actions of any pet that the client has let outside or has instructed the sitter to allow outside while sitter is not there. This includes pets with doggie doors and outdoor pets.
       3) The client understands that all pets (where appropriate) must have a veterinarian and must be up to date on the rabies vaccination.
    4) All pets with electronic fences must wear their collars with fresh batteries.  Pet Minded is not responsible for any animals that get out or inside of perimeter.
    5) Pet Minded does not diagnose, prognose, or make therapy decisions, nor does it
    offer veterinary services. Any veterinary/medical concerns will be referred to a veterinarian.
    6) Pet Minded will not sit for acutely ill animals or those with uncontrolled medical     conditions. We suggest the pet be boarded with a vet.
           7) Pet Minded does not accept aggressive dogs or dogs that have bitten other dogs and/or people!
       8) Pet Minded will not walk unruly or untrained dogs or dogs that choke themselves on their leash. We do not take dogs to the dog park. All pets must be walked on a leash, no exceptions!
    9) Pet Minded will not accept time specific calls as we can not guarantee specific time accurately. A two hour window is acceptable.
            10) Pet Minded will not be responsible for any keys the client has asked to be mailed.
            11) Business and visiting hours fall between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. and services are usually completed during this time unless we are behind schedule.
             12) Pet Minded reserves the right to deny service or terminate service because of     safety concerns, financial concerns, or inappropriate or uncomfortable situations.
            13) Pet Minded reserves the right to take pet(s) to vet. Client is responsible for all charges.
           14) Pet Minded requires you to have a responsible party to take care of your pet(s) in  the event of unforeseen circumstances such as illness or death and in the event of inclement weather or a natural disaster.  It is best your emergency contact is a neighbor so they can reach your home. Pet Minded is not responsible for pets in these circumstances.
    15) Payment is expected before services are rendered. In the event of additional unforeseen visits or other costs (such as food, supplies, or vet fees), payment is expected within 5 days of the completion of services or a late charge of $20 will be applied. 
           16) Cancellations must be received within 48 hours of scheduled visit or a cancellation fee of $30 will apply.
           17) All pets must be visited a minimum of 1 visit per day. Dogs without access   to the yard will need a minimum of 2 visits per day. We do not accept friends or relatives to visit in substitution of our visit!
    18) 2 Keys must be provided when scheduling visits. If keys must be returned, a $10     fee will be charged for future pickups. Keys cannot be left under door mat or in hidden places for Pet Minded to pick up.

    Pet Minded

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