roseanne vinci 11926 SW 128th place miami, FL 33186
Show Phone NumberPhone: 305 323 2326 Alt. Phone: 305 752 7127
krazy for critters pet sitters
- Specialization in exotic bird care
- Cats, hamsters, rabbits, turtles, fish, and other non-aggressive animals
- Pet sitting 24/7, round the clock
- Pet taxi drop-off/pick-up apts.
- Giving medications as needed
- House sitting
- Vacation Pet Care
- Light errands
- Helping with special needs, such as sickness, old age, etc.
*We would like a 1–2 week notice for appointments, except for emergencies |
Pet Sitting Rates
- 1 visit per day is $20.00. Two to three animals after that is an additional $2.00 per pet, depending on the situation
- 2 visits per day is $18.00 per visit
- 3 visits per day is $15.00 per visit
- Pet taxi drop off and picking up at the vets office $20.00 round trip within a 5 mile radius of pets home.
- House sitting is $55.00 for overnight stays. Additional visits during the day are charged at normal per-visit rates.
- Light errands and emergency situations are $25.00 an hour, depending on each situation, and will be determined at initial consultation.
- There is a key pickup and return fee of $10.00.
- The initial consultation is free. Any additional interviews will be charged at $15.00 per visit. If you have the key pickup ready at the consultation interview, the $10.00 fee will be waived.
- Final quotes and fees will be determined at the consultation visit, depending on each situation.
- Payments are required upfront unless you are an established customer. Established customers require only a 50% deposit fee in cash, money order, or check.
Hours: |
AM visits
Between 7:00am and 10:00am
PM visits
Between 3:00pm and 6:00pm
Night visits
Between 7:00pm and 9:00pm
House sitting
Between 8:00pm and 7:00am
Cat visits
10 am to 4 pm, depending on the work load. Litter boxes will be cleaned dail |
Home Services