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OC Pet Companions
Ruth Ann Krisa
32371 Alipaz Street #46
San Jaun Capistrano, CA 92675
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  • Pet Sitting
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    OC Pet Companions


     OC Pet Companions Understand

    Traveling is a necessity in today's fast paced world. When you can't be there, let our professionals give your pet(s) the love, pampering, and attention they deserve. The care we provide is the next best thing to you being at home with your pet. Since you know your pet best, you determine how many visits will best meet your pet's needs. Each visit includes:

    A 15-20 minute walk/exercise for half hour visit
    A 30-45 minute walk for an hour visit
    Fresh food and water
    Playtime and lots of love and attention
    Dogs, like humans, need their daily dose of exercise to stay healthy. Mid-day dog walks are your dog's time for exercise, love, attention, and of course...relief! This option is great for all dogs, especially those with:

    Owners whose schedules require that they leave their dog in the house for long periods of time.
    Puppies that are being house trained
    Older dogs that need more frequent breaks or medication
    Although we are not a home security service, our services certainly do add security to your home. Some additional perks of having a pet sitter include having your mail brought in, lights & blinds alternated, and knowing that someone is watching over your house daily.

    Pet Taxi
    You and your pets lead busy lives! They need to be taken to the vet, groomer, Dog Park and even to a friend's home to see their furry friend. Unfortunately, sometimes there isn't time for it all and you cannot be in two places at once! That's why OC Pet Companions offers a pet taxi service to transport your pet within the local area. There is a 1/2 hour trip time minimum (See pricing page) and billed per 1/2 hour.

    You can enjoy your travel, errands, and other adventures knowing that you're pet and home are in the safe, responsible hands of OC Pet Companion professionals.

    Your vacation or business trip is planned, now who will take care of your pets? Don't stress them and you by putting them in a kennel. We offer overnight companions who will cuddle and sleep with your pets just like you do.

    Your pet companion arrives at your home at approximately 6 PM and stays until 7 AM. This includes a morning and evening dog walk and lots of cuddle time with your pet.

    Contact us via the New Companion Clients button on the left, or call our office at 949-709-2707. Your local sitter will contact you within 24 hours to set up your free consultation.


    OC Pet Companions

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