Robin Whittington 1212 Cana Road Mocksville, NC 27028
Show Phone NumberPhone: 336-998-8208
Pet Services by Critters' Place
You want to take a vacation or perhaps you have business to attend to that requires you to leave your home for an extended period of time. What will you do with the family pets? There are times when they just can't come along.
If you are like most pet owners, you dislike the idea of leaving your pets in unfamiliar and often loud and uncomfortable surroundings while you are away. This can cause undue stress to the pets, not to mention the challenges of having to transport them or the time restrictions for pick up and drop off.
You might consider leaving your pets at home and asking a friend or neighbor or even a local child in the neighborhood to look in on your pets, but somehow that just doesn't make you feel confident that your pet is receiving the best care possible. Would they be?
Does the neighbor really have the time to devote to your pets? Is the friend really interested in your pet's best interest or just doing it as a favor? Is the child down the street going to be able to make good decisions in situations that could occur ... or what if they forget to show up? Are they going to follow your instructions carefully? There are many reasons why these may not be a good choice for your pet's best care.
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