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Kingston Pet Sitting Service
Rosanne Kaznowski
193 Old Flatbiush Rd
Kingston, NY 12401
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    Country Pet Sitters

    Group Basic Walk
    (30 minute leash walk)

    Otherwise known as the “bathroom break” in which we take a spin around the block to stretch those legs, stimulate those senses, and eat a meal if need be. . Designed for multiple dogs in same neighborhood with a maximum of four dogs per group.


    (plus $5.00 for each additional dog in same household)

    Basic Walks
    (30 minute leash walk/ play session)

    Otherwise known as the "bathroom break" in which we take a spin around the block to stretch those legs, stimulate those senses, and eat a meal if need be. One dog unless dogs live together.

    (plus $5.00 for additional dog in same household)
    Weekly Rate for Walks
     Same as basic walk, but using my services weekly, for an extended period of time.
    $70.00 per week
    (plus 20.00 per week for additional dog same household)

    Adventure Walks

    1 - 1¼ hours of running, jumping, swimming, ball chasing. Maximum aerobic exercise. In most cases, includes a car ride to a really fun place. Only for dogs able to obey off leash, ride well in cars, and be friendly towards all creatures - one dog unless dogs live together and walk together.

    (plus $5.00 for each additional dog same household) 

    Pet Taxi Service

    You can have flexibility when making those vet and grooming appointments. Let Country Petsitters dog-friendly people and vehicles transport your dog or cat wherever they need to be. Our insurance covers pet transport

    $1.95 per mile
    Pet Reiki
    Reiki promotes health, recovery, stress reduction, and more.
    Reiki is gentle, painless, safe, and noninvasive

    Animals can be treated and comforted with Reiki energy. The healing principles are the same whether you are treating a family neighbor a stranger or an animal. Reiki energy flows the same.

    Often people are surprised and please by the difference in an animals overall health and emotional well being following reiki treatments. Most animals love reiki after their initial introduction. Animals will normally become very still and seem to sense that somethingvery special is taking place and gratefully take in the energy.

    Animals get the same benefits as humans. Reiki will help give comfort and healing energy to cats, dogs, and animals of all kinds with an illness and/or injury. Reiki is a gentle process that your pet will find soothing and welcoming.

    $40.00 per session   (45 min)
    $25.00 per session   (30 min)

    Country Pet Sitters

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