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Welcome To Whiskers And Paws
Nicole Verdon
678 Chapman Blvd
Ottawa, Ontario K1G 1T6
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    Whiskers and Paws

    Price List





    Individual Walk
    Individual Walk

    $21.00 per walk

    $20.00 per walk

    1 - 2 walks per week

    3 - 5 walks per week

    Semi-Private Walk

    not more than two dogs at any time

    Semi-Private Walk

    More than 1 dog from same family

    $18.00 per walk

    each dog not from the same family

    $17.00 per walk

    each dog not from the same family

    to be discussed

    1 - 2 walks per week

    3 - 5 walks per week



    Group Walk (not more than 4 - 5 animals)

    Group Walk

    $18.00 per walk

    $15.00 per walk

    1 - 3 walks per week

    3 - 5 walks per week






    Puppy Visits (1 visit per day)

    Puppy Visits (1 visit per day)


    Puppy Visits (2 visits per day)


    Puppy socializing

    Extremely important for the first month


    $18.00 per visit

    $15.00 per visit


    $30.00 up to 2.5 hrs

    1 - 3 visits per week

    4 - 7 visits per week


    Socializing your puppy is a

    very important time of his life.

    Taking your pup in the car and

    introducing him to the busy world,

    training, introducing him to the pet stores, vets, etc.

    Cat Visits (up to 3 cats)


    Litter Box Cleaning

    Please note that at time of visits,

    mail, plants and inspection of your

    home will occur to ensure that all is fine

    Statutory Holidays

    $15.00 per visit


    Additional fee for cleaning Litter Box




    Add $5.00 more

    1 - 7 visits per week

    Pets (DOG) stay at home while you are away
    preferably to be discussed to better fit their needs
    Price includes up to 3 pets in the same home

    Please note that at time of visits,

    mail, plants and inspection of your

    home will occur to ensure that all is fine

    Statutory Holidays






    Add $5.00 per pet a day


    Cleaning of litter and watering

    plants price to be discussed




    Add $5.00 more

    Pet visit

    Dogs will be taken on a walk each time

    Birds, Fish and Other Little Critters

    Cleaning of Cage

    $15.00 per visit

    Additional $10.00 for cleaning of any cages
    1 - 7 visits per week






    Daycare during the day
    (12 hours shift... extra after 12 hours)

    Please note that not more than 3 dogs will be there
    on a daily basis

    Pet Taxi - Pick up and Delivery Services

    Statutory Holidays

    $28.00 per day



    $12.00 - $20.00 per service depending on where

    Add an additional $5.00 fee

    Bed and Biscuit

    Overnight stays at my home 1 to 3 days





    For long extended period

    Statutory Holidays


    $35.00 per day which includes daily hikes in the
    country if the dog is in shape, playtime at the dog
    park, massages, special home made treats and
    much more

    Price to be discussed

    Add an additional $5.00 fee

    Overnight Pet Sitting at your Home (1 – 3 days)

    houses more than 25 km away added extra fee for gas

    Can be discussed. Will include watering plants,
    bringing the mail in, a night, morning, and mid

    day walk is included and lots of spoiling and caring.

    Housekeeping can be added at $15.00 an hour

    Senior dog pet sitting services Same prices as quoted above unless extra care
    with medication etc. is needed… to be discussed
    Full time pet sitting in your Home for 2 weeks
    or more is available
    Price to be discussed


    Whiskers and Paws
    Price List

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