ServicesWe do not charge for the number of pets you have. We simply charge for the time needed to care for them. 1 or 3 cats, 1 or 3 dogs doesn’t make a difference, as long as the requested visit length is enough time to care for them. Longer visits can be arranged for additional fees.
Mid-day daily dog walks-
Starts at $13* per 20 minute visit (requires at least 1 visit per week/M-F 11a-2p only)
Potty break/walk/exercise, water refill/change, treats, playtime/socialization, and special requests
Vacation care services-
Starts at $15* per 30 minute visit (up to 3 times daily)
Cat care-litter change/cleaning, feeding, water refill/change, medications, brushing, play time/socialization, and special requests
Dog care-walk/potty break/exercise, feeding, water refill/change, medications, brushing, play time/socialization, and special requests
Special requests for exotics/caged pets
*Additional fees apply for multiple pet types that require extra care and time
Rabies vaccine required/dogs
Poop pick-up $10 per week (Requires a kept up yard/fair amount of waste p/u)
Emergency (Less than 24 hours notice) $5
Less than 24 hours cancellation fee $15
Prices include a 0-10 mile radius, additional mileage charges will apply for over 10 miles (if accepted) *Preferred max. of 10 miles
All fees are subject to change at any time
Call for any unusual requests or multiple types of animals for pricing/based on time
There is no charge for our initial meeting, any additional visits beyond the initial meeting is charged at regular visit fees, key p/u & d/o fee of $5 applies to each trip (if key not kept on file)
Also included-
Pickup mail, newspapers & packages/garbage days/lights & temp. control and plants & garden watering (within reason)
Special/reasonable requests