Sandy Vandergriff 11855 Highland Colony Dr. Roswell, GA 30075
Show Phone NumberPhone: 770-642-0097
Pawsitive Sitting Solutions, LLC
ServicesOffering In-home Pet Sitting, Mid-day Dog Walking, and Pet Taxi.
In-home pet sitting gives you the peace of mind that your pets and your home are in good hands. Your pets will appreciate the comforts of home while you’re away. In addition to the care and TLC to your pets, we will also give your home that “lived-in” look while you are away. Rotate lights, open and close draperies, water houseplants, bring in the mail, etc.
Prices start at $15.00 per visit. Price includes up to 3 pets. Additional $2.00 per visit over 3 pets.
When you have a long day at work, so does your dog. Mid-day walks are a great way to give your pet that needed outdoor break! This is also an excellent service for animals with special needs, like puppies who can’t “contain themselves” without a break or a pet that needs medication administered during the day.
Prices start at $10.00 per visit. Price includes up to 3 pets.
If ever your pet needs a ride to get to the groomer, the vet, or to that special “get-away spot”, we will give them a lift! While we love the company in the car, we do maintain that all traveling companions be belted in or in a crate for the safety of both pet and driver.
Price varies
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