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Canadian Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers ~ All Canadian Pet Services Network
Candace Villett
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    Caresse Kitty Sitting

    "Why should I hire a professional dog walker?"

    All dogs require exercise to remain healthy. The amount of exercise tolerated by dogs depends largely on their breed, size and age. In general, all dogs require at least 1-2 hours per day, though older dogs, small dogs or “toy” breeds may require this exercise to be broken up into shorter intervals.

    The City of Toronto itself is home to more than 60,000 dogs! Being an urban community, pets are more often found in condos and highrises. Apartment living for dogs must be coupled with regular walks to ensure adequate exercise.
    “Nearly half of Canadian households have companion animals, and the average family spends hundreds of dollars per year on their pets, an amount that grows with income levels”

    Coming home tired from work and overburdened with responsibility takes a toll. Walking your dog no longer seems enjoyable, but a task that must be done. Feelings like this are shared by your companion, who misses you and yearns for affection from you, but must respond to his basic physical needs first. We as pet owners have all experienced this frustration. Chewed shoes, gnawed furniture, hyperactivity, incontinence and other behavioural problems are signs that your dog is not happy. They can’t tell you in words, so their actions speak volumes.

    If your dog could speak to you, what would he say? Probably “I am lonely”, “I need to play”, “I can’t relax and enjoy your company because I am alone all day”, or maybe “You don’t wait 10 hours to go pee, why should I have to?”.

    Dogs who receive regular exercise and fresh air are far more likely to relax and enjoy the quiet time at home with their loved ones. Dogs who receive attention throughout the day, not at home alone, are less likely to overwhelm you with affection and attention when you first get in the door. If you were alone all day how would you react when someone came home? Excited, hyper, overzealous?

    Hiring a professional dog walker ensures that your dog’s needs for affection & companionship, and physical needs are met while you are not there.

    When you hire a professional dog walker, you can be assured that your pet will be cared for

    • for a guaranteed amount of time each visit
    • for a guaranteed number of visits each day
    • by a skilled, reliable, compassionate individual

    Decide what services you would like from a dog walker, and talk to others in your neighbourhood who utilize dog walkers for tips.

    Costs associated with Dog Walkers generally do not vary in one particular area. Research the costs involved. The teenager down the street may offer to walk your dog for an incredible price, but paying slightly more for a professional will ensure quality and safety of care.

    Listings and ads for dog walkers can be found in any pet magazine or pet store in your area. Read all listings carefully. Hiring an established dog walker may be ideal, but new business starting up may be just as qualified. Research their advertised affiliations for an indication of their service. Dog Walkers belonging to a professional association are accountable for the care they provide, even if you are their first client!

    Pet care professionals belonging to the All Canadian Pet Services Network are bound by a professional standards, personally and professionally. Members are provided with access to ongoing educational opportunities, an ongoing professional development accreditation program, group insurance benefits and many other professional resources.
    When your pet sitter is a member of ACPSN, you can be assured that your pet is in good hands!

    Caresse Kitty Sitting
    "Why should I hire a professional dog walker?"

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