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Pet Sitting & Care Sherwood, Tigard, Beaverton, Tualatin, Metzger, Durham, King City, Summersfield, Oregon
Liane Harvey
11545 SW Beef Bend Rd #35
Tigard, OR 97224
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    Cat-illac Pet Services

    "I have loved animals since I was small, living on a farm in Kansas.  My personal pets have included dogs, gerbils, hamsters, rabbits, and currently I live with 3 cats. I love to make animals lives better by interacting with them or just the caring basics, whatever the critter needs.  In home pet care (pet sitting) has given me an outlet for my passion to work with animals." Liane Harvey

    "Bogie" (shown right) will only come to his family and Liane. (To the point that Liane has been legally established as Bogie's guardian!) It's relationships like this that encourage the growth of Liane's pet sitting services.

    I started my pet sitting business September 1, 2003, after 3 job restructures in 5 years. In 1999 I was volunteering at the Cat Adoption Team, a no-kill cat shelter in Sherwood,OR. and working at my insurance job full time. The shelter allowed me to foster cats and kittens during the kitten season. In 2000 I was working at the shelter part-time in the evenings, feeding and giving medications, and still had a fulltime job in insurance, and a little pet sitting for the volunteers on the side. I spent more time fostering cats & kittens, giving medications and learning more about the signs when the kitties were not well. August 2003 the last restructure hit --a little research revealed the pet sitting industry--it was huge and growing! Since I had been pet sitting for some of the volunteers and they liked the way I cared for the shelter kitties, the word spread, so Itraded the suits,cubicle and telephone for jeans, tennis shoes, and kisses from kitties and dogs by offering in-home pet care. Making our furry babies happy and the joy they gave me in return was what I had been looking for in a job.

    I am rewarded daily now on what I am passionate about--making lives of your pets happier and helping them not miss you so much when you are gone. Even if your pet is on medications or special food I would love to care for your pets in your home where they are the most comfortable.

    Cat-illac Pet Services
    Pet Sitting & Care Sherwood, Tigard, Beaverton, Tualatin, Metzger, Durham, King City, Summersfield, Oregon

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