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Paw Angel Nannies
Marie Atake
13428 Maxella Ave., PMB-332
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
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    Paw Angel Nannies


    Cat's are pretty self sufficient but even they need some human interaction. We'll feed them, refresh their water (we know how cats only like to drink "fresh" water), clean out their litter box and of course some quality playtime.      $20/visit
    When your dog just needs to be let out during the day to potty and smell the fresh air but doesn't need a full 30 minute walk.        $17/visit
     This is a "no frills" walk. We come in grab their leash and off we go for 30 minutes.           $20/walk
    More than just a walk. We'll have "play time," then a 30 minute walk (or 45 minute walk if your dog doesn't need play time) bring your mail in, water your plants, refresh your pet's drinking water, make sure the outside lights are on for you when you get home, take any outgoing mail to mailbox or post office and take out trash.         $25/visit
    Once a week brushing included when you purchase 3 or more walks/week long term package
    With the "frills." We'll spend 1 hour walking and playing with your pooch, work on basic commands and doggie manners, plus everything included in the Golden Retriever Walk .            $30/visit
    Also Included (when you purchase 3 or more walks/week long term package):
    Once a week Brushing
    Once every two weeks Bath
    Your Dog gets his/her very own Martingale collar 
    We have small doggie play groups and walks supervised by our top nannies.  We evaluate all play-group dogs before placing them in a certain group to make sure they are placed in a group with similar play characteristics and compatible energy.  Great for all dog friendly dogs and even those that need a little work on their social manners.
    Even dogs need friends to hang out and bark with!
    Group Walks are 45 minutes long and Doggie Playtime is at least 1 hr
    Group Walks     $20/walk
    Group Playtime   $20
    Combine both Group Walk and Playtime    $35
    *All above prices are based on one pet. Each additional pet is $5 (over 2 cats $2 extra/cat)

    Wouldn't it be great to know that while you are out of town, your pets are at home in their own stress-free environment getting all the attention and care they need and desire? Paw Angel Nannies will ensure the safety of your home and pets while you are out of town. The In-Home Overnight Stay Includes:
    Two 30-minute Walks, Night & Morning Feeding, Kitty Litter and Backyard Cleanup, Lots of Playtime, Trick Training and Basic Household Chores.     $75/12 hours
    *Bath included for three or more overnight stays
    We also offer Daytime Pet-sitting  and Tag Alongs for pets that are used to having someone home most of the day. We will stay with your pet at your home or we can take your dog with us on our daily activities. We can also mix them up. Great for cats and puppies, dogs with separation anxiety issues and hyperactive dogs.
    One of our Nannies will discuss pricing based on your pet's needs.
    *Tag Alongs are for dogs only and must have no major dog aggression issues
            Each program will be designed to fit the specific needs of each individual pet
    WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM - For the pet that has a little extra around the middle.
    We'll design a special diet and workout program for your specific pet. Watch those pounds melt away giving your pet a longer healthier life.
    EXCESSIVE ENERGY EXERCISE PROGRAM - For the pet that can't stop bouncing off the walls. We'll design a fun exercise mixed with play program that your pet will be sure to love, making him/her a happy, healthy, well mannered pet.
    HEALTHY HEART PROGRAM - For the older pet who needs a special diet and exercise program to help keep them feeling young, agile, flexible and healthy!
    SOCIALIZATION PROGRAM - For dogs who is not too sure about certain people and/or other dogs. We'll help your dog get used to all types of social situations. A socialized dog is a balanced and well behaved dog.
    MINOR BEHAVIORAL ISSUES PROGRAM - Food agression, jumping up on people, scratching, chewing, and play-biting are just some of the minor behavioral issues we can help with. Along with training your pet, our Nannies will also give you pointers on what you should and should not be doing to help your pet overcome their bad habits.
    TRICK TRAINING PROGRAM - For dogs that likes to be the center of attention! Dogs need lots of mental stimulation as well as physical exercise. Without mental stimulation dogs will become bored, frustrated, depressed and can even become aggressive. We'll teach your dog fun tricks to show your friends and family at your next BBQ. Your dog will love all the attention!

    Paw Angel Nannies

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