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Denyce Erazo
5703 N. San Andros
WPB, FL 33411
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    Out-of-Towners Pet Sitting Services, LLC.

    About us

    After working in the corporate accounting world for 11 years, I decided to apply my business knowledge on a new endeavor; one that would make me happy and at the same time provide a valuable service to other pet owners. I started The Out-of-Towners Pet Sitting Services in an effort to turn my love for animals into a profession. Profession is the key word. I strive to treat every pet sit and dog walk with the highest level of professionalism. As pet owners, we should not settle for anything less when it comes to the care of our beloved animals.  I have two beautiful dogs of my own along with 3 birds and an 80 gallon salt water fish tank loaded with exotic fish.  I have experienced the hassle and frustration of finding good pet care when my family & I want to go on a vacation or a quick weekend getaway.  That's why I want to extend my services to you. Don't let your pets get stressed!

    The Five Secrets to Housebreaking

    More dogs are given away every year due to housebreaking failure than any other behavior problem. Housebreaking is fairly easy if you follow the five rules.

    Rule #1 - Anytime your dog is in the house with you he needs to be watched like a hawk!

    Rule #2 - If you can't keep an eye on your dog at all times, then you must confine him. This means putting him in a crate so your new pet will not make a mistake.

    Rule #3 - Is to establish a place outside (a specific spot) where the dog will go to eliminate. In conjunction with this I also teach a verbal command so your pet will learn to eliminate on command. When you see that your dog has a need to go, immediately rush him outside to your specific spot. The command I use is "go potty".

    Rule #4 - The key to successfully housebreaking your dog is to buy and use an odor neutralizer or an odor eliminator in your house to prevent a negative behavior pattern from forming. These are products you can buy on the market. You must remove any scent remaining from the accident.

    Rule #5 - Your pets' feeding and watering schedule must be very rigorous and consistent, the same time every day, which will result in your dog needing to go out and eliminate at the same time every day. For some dogs this will be immediately after eating or drinking. For other dogs it may take a while. As for watering, I do not recommend free access to water, until the dog is completely 100% housebroken. If you give your dog free access to water when in the house you will never develop any consistency in terms of knowing when he has to urinate. If you follow these five steps, you will be on your way to having a completely housebroken dog in 10 to 15 days. Dennis Dalia, Training Director, Southwest K-9 Academy at 941-255-4115.

    Out-of-Towners Pet Sitting Services, LLC.
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