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Corinth Pet Sitting Service
Krin Asselta
1709 Mallard Drive
Corinth, TX 76210
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    Pampered Paws


    Pampered Paws Policies:

    • Consultations:  A free consultation is given to all new clients prior to the start of the pet sitting assignment.  This allows Pampered Paws to become familiar with you and your pets and to set up the pet-sitting schedule.  At this time you and your pet sitter will fill out the service contract.  The pet sitter will complete a client card with your and your pets’ information for the files.  At the end of the consultation, you will provide Pampered Paws with a key to your home that we will test and make payment arrangements.
    • Visits: Pampered Paws makes one to four (1-4) visits per day each approximately 30-45 minutes.  Morning visits are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.  Midday visits are from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Evening visits are from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
    • Payment:  A check or cash is due at the initial consultation.  A receipt will be left for the client on the first visit.
    • Changes or Cancellations: Please provide at least 48 hours notice for any changes or cancellations.  No refunds will be given on cancellations or early returns.
    • Returned Checks: Checks returned by the bank will incur a $30.00 return check fee.
    • House Key: Pampered Paws will collect the clients’ key at the consultation.  All keys will be returned by the pet sitter upon the client calling Pampered Paws when they arrive home. 
    • Checking On Your Pet: You may contact Pampered Paws at 940-497-2730 at any time to check on your pet.
    • Destruction By Pets: In most instances, damage to property, furniture, carpets and such is due to loneliness and boredom.  Pampered Paws will try to alleviate loneliness and boredom through activities that will excite your dog.  Playing with a favorite toy, and taking long walks for exercise are just a couple of examples of what we try to accomplish.  Pampered Paws will notify the owner if damage is done so that corrective measures can be taken. 
    • Arriving Home: The client is asked to call Pampered Paws within two (2) hours of returning home.  This lets Pampered Paws know the client has returned home and does not need any additional visits to which they would be charged a fee.  Also, this lets Pampered Paws know of any concerns.
    • Damages:  Pampered Paws is not responsible for damages or loss to your home beyond the control of the pet sitter (I.E. leaks, electrical problems, acts of nature, burglary).  In such situations, Pampered Paws will make every attempt to contact client before taking action. 
    • Access Permitted To Others: Pampered Paws accepts no responsibility for the security of the premises or loss if other individuals have access to clients’ home or if the home is not properly secured.  All others who have access are required to leave a daily log.
    • Security Of Pets: It is required that all pets under the care of a pet sitter will remain indoors for as long as the owner is away even if that animal is allowed outdoors.  This is for the pets’ own safety and welfare.  It is also strongly advised to have each animal have a form of identification.
    • Pet Proofing: It is the client’s sole responsibility to pet proof any areas of the home and/or property to which the pet has access.  This includes thoroughly inspecting fences, gates, latches, doors, and other areas meant to keep your pet secure. 
    • Vaccinations:  It is the pet sitters’ understanding that all pets left in his/her care have been properly vaccinated and are in good health.  All pets must be currently vaccinated.  Any history of illness, biting, fighting, etc. will be disclosed to the pet sitter at the initial consultation.
    • Damage By Pet To Others: Client will be responsible for all medical expenses and damages resulting from an injury to Pampered Paws pet sitter or other persons by clients’ pet(s).  Client agrees  to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Pampered Paws pet sitter in the event of a claim by any person injured by client’s pet(s).  In the event that another animal is bit by client’s pet(s) or exposed to any disease or ailment from client’s pet(s), it will be client’s responsibility to pay all medically related costs and damages incurred by the “Victim” pet(s) owners.
    • Cleaning Up After Pets: Pampered Paws will make every effort to clean up after a pet.  Cleanliness is extremely important for client and pet.  We will sweep litter, pick up after dogs on walks, clean up vomit spots with the cleaning supplies left, clean pets’ food and water dishes.  We will not be responsible for damage to flooring and household objects due to vomit, urinating, and defecation.
    • Emergency: If an emergency arises, Pampered Paws will make every effort to transport pet to the nearest animal emergency clinic and notify pet owner.  If pet owner can not be reached, then client agrees to approve treatment and agrees to reimburse pet sitter within four days.  Client agrees to be financially responsible for all fees for tending to emergency/veterinary care and for the time expense of Pampered Paws at the rate of $30 an hour.  Client releases Pampered Paws from any liabilities related to transportation, treatment, and expense of pet(s).  Pampered Paws advises that client notify their veterinarian of the pet sitter service and keep a blank check or credit card on file.

    Pampered Paws

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