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KS Pet Sitting Service
Rachelle and Andrew Rand
8701 W. 104th Street
Overland Park, KS 66212
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    Johnson County Pet Concierge

    About Us

    We are here to serve you and your pets by continuing the responsible and loving tender care that you give them. Keeping your pets at home while you are away reduces their stress level since they are maintained in a familiar and secure environment. In addition, the routine of a consistent diet and exercise are uninterrupted, and since the risk of travel trauma is eliminated, there is virtually no exposure to illness from other animals.

    Currently, our family has two dogs: a Boston Terrier named "Bowzer" and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named "Sebastian." In addition, we have a cat named "Phantom".

    - Rachelle and Andrew Rand, owners of Johnson County Pet Concierge

    Added Benefits
    Additionally, while you are away, your home is more secure since your Johnson County Pet Concierge professional pet sitter will provide crime deterrent services while caring for your pet. These services include bringing in mail and newspapers, turning lights off and on, opening and closing blinds to help give your home that "lived in" look, and other deterrents that may assist in keeping your pets and your home safe and secure while you are away.
    Contact us
    for more information.

    Mission Statement
    Our business is dedicated to making life easier for pet owners by providing several services:

         Cleaning up and removing dog waste (feces) from customers' yards and dog pens.
         Allowing pets to stay in the comfort of their own homes while owners are traveling.
         Providing exercise and one-on-one attention for pets.
         Providing healthy products and education to pets for their human companions.

    Our work will provide a high level of quality service for you and your pets. Our highly professional staff will cater to each individual clients needs.

    We are dedicated to serving our customer's needs, and our goal is 100% customer satisfaction. We strive to bring you the best in quality service. If something isn't right, please let us know.

    Johnson County Pet Concierge
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