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AZ Pet Sitting Service
Amanda Gomez

Flagstaff & Surrounding Areas, AZ 86001
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    AGV Pet Sitting & More

    Services & Rates

    We are based in Flagstaff, Arizona but we are willing to service other areas of Northern Arizona if requested.

    When you call our company, we arrange a visit to your home shortly before you leave. This is so we can meet you and your pets, get detailed information about caring for them and pick up two keys to your home or apartment. During this visit, you decide how often and for how long you want us to visit your home each day that you are gone.

    Even if you aren’t leaving home, there may be instances where we can be of service. Long or unusual working hours or lengthy illnesses may make it difficult to properly care for your pet. Please let us know how we may help.




    While you are out of town we can visit your pet daily at your home. We can also stay overnight or live in your home while you are away. If you are taking your pets with you, or do not have pets, we can perform home security checks. All visits include feeding, refreshing water bowls, scooping litter boxes and taking the trash out. While we are taking care of your pets, we are happy to make your home look “lived-in” by bringing in the mail and newspapers and adjusting draperies and lights. For those of you with long working hours, we can take your dog for a walk or let them outside for a potty break.


    Have you heard the saying, “A tired dog is a good dog”? That’s because a well-exercised dog is less likely to have behavioral problems due to boredom, such as digging, excessive barking, chewing and hyperactivity. Along with the emotional benefits, there are also physical benefits. Walking is the best way to exercise a dog that may not move around much in your home or even in your yard. Aging pets must be kept as agile and fit as possible but may not be inclined to exercise without encouragement. We can walk your dog when you can’t.

    Extra Services

    The following services can be provided in addition to a scheduled pet sitting visit or you can make an appointment without pet sitting:

    Fluid administration: If your pet needs sub-q fluids at home but won’t cooperate we can help.                                    

    Nail trim: Do you take your pet to the veterinarian or groomer for nail trims, but would rather have it done at home? We make house calls. Trimming your pets’ nails is not just a part of grooming but is important for their health as well. Overgrown nails can cause a variety of problems such as broken nails which are painful and bleed profusely, or dragging on the ground which makes walking or running uncomfortable for your pet. This could result in soreness or other problems further up the leg. In some cases, nails will actually curl and grow back into the pets’ feet. Trimming your cats nails may defray some of their potential for destruction. Generally, dogs will need their nails clipped once every one or two weeks. Cats' nails will need trimming about once a month. If you hear clicking as your pet walks across uncarpeted areas their nails are too long.

    Anal gland expression: A pet scooting, or dragging their hind end on the carpet, grass, or your favorite rug is something most pet owners have witnessed at one time or another. This is not an uncommon problem. It probably means that your dog has full or infected anal glands. This is more common with small to mid-sized dogs, but occasionally seen in larger dogs or cats. Normally a bowel movement is sufficient to express the sacs, but when a dog licks, chews or scoots on its bottom, it is attempting to express the glands on its own. Left untreated, a simple irritation can lead to infection, impaction, and ultimately abscessation and rupture. Anal sac infections are very uncomfortable for the pet, and more difficult to treat in later stages.

    Pet waste removal: After a long day of work the last thing you want to do is pick up the yard. Let us deal with the mess so you don’t have to.

    Pet transportation: No time for veterinarian or grooming appointments? We can pick up your pet at home and take them to and from their appointments.

    Errand service: Would you like to have fresh groceries waiting for you when you return from a trip? We can stock the fridge, take the movie rentals back to the store and pick up the dry cleaning so you can return home worry free. Just let us know what tasks you’d like us to handle.

    Waiting service: Does your cable need to be fixed but you can’t get time off work to wait for the repair man? We can wait at your home for installations, repairs and deliveries.

    Fees will be specific to your needs so we ask that you call or e-mail to get an accurate quote. All prices are subject to change without notice.


    Daily Pet Care Visits: Starting at $10.00 per visit

    Overnight Stay: Starting at $60.00 per night

    Live-in Care:  Starting at $100.00 per day

    House Sitting Only (no pets): Starting at $10.00 per visit

    Dog Walks: Starting at $14.00 per walk

    Pet Waste Removal: Starting at $14.00 per visit

    Pet Transportation: Starting at $14.00 per 1/2 hour

    Errand Service: Starting at $12.00 per 1/2 hour

    Waiting Service: Starting at $5.00 per 1/2 hour

    Travel Fee: $0.30 per mile outside of Flagstaff City Limits

    Late Booking Fee: $10.00 if the following notice is not given

    Established Clients with keys on file: 2 days notice prior to first visit

    Established Clients without keys on file: 4 days notice for key pick up

    New Clients: 7 days notice to allow time for initial consultation

    We understand that holidays are important to everyone and like yourself, we have families, too. After much deliberation, we have decided to provide service on the following days for an extra fee.

    Holiday Surcharge: $5.00 per visit; $10.00 per overnight; $20.00 per live-in

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