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Krista Riddle
151 Shiloh Road
Statesville, NC 28677
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    Krista's Pooches and Purrs Pet Sitting


    Pet Sitting available 365 days a year! I do recommend booking for your pets in advance, especially holidays that you know you will need.
    First initial visit $10.00 - this is for the pet and the pet's owners to get acquainted with me the pet sitter and for all forms to be filled out. Usually takes 30 to 45 minutes.
    $18.00 per visit for one dog
    each additional dog $1.00 more
    $18.00 per visit for cat or cats up to 3
    each additional cat $1.00 more
    $18.00 per visit for birds, reptiles, rabbits, etc. up to 4
    each additional $1.00 more
    Example: 1 cat and 1 dog is $18.00
    2 cats and 2 dogs $18.00 plus $1.00 for additional dog
    5 cats and 1 dog is $18.00 plus $2.00 for additional 2 cats
    The above rates are for anyone within a 10 mile radius of my home office. Anyone beyond 10 miles we charge an additional $.50 per mile after the initial 10 miles.
    Example: If you are 24 miles from my home office then this would be a 48 mile round trip drive. The charge would be $18.00 for the initial 10 miles there and 10 miles back and an additional $14.00 for the extra 28 miles (28 x $.50 = $14.00).
    Holiday Fees
    Additional $5.00/visit will be added to the following days:
    Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, New Years Day,
    Thanksgiving Day, Easter Day
    House Sitting Extras
    Pooches and Purrs will also water plants, check security systems, alter lights, bring in mail and newspapers, carry trash out, retrieve trash can from road, opening/closing of blinds, receive deliveries that come to your house for an additional $4.00.
    Food/Medication Runs 
    You provide all pet food and medications, etc. If additional pet food/medications, etc is needed while you are away we charge an additional $.50 per mile for food/medicine run plus cost of products purchased.
    Veterinarian/Groomer Trips
    If veterinarian or groomer trips are needed while you are away we charge an additional $.50 per mile plus cost of services rendered

    Krista's Pooches and Purrs Pet Sitting

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