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Catherine Inglese

Beverly Hills, CA 90210
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    Hollywood Dog Nanny

    About us

    I began L.A. Pet Nanny Service back in 2005.  Caring for people's pets is a huge responsibility and I take it very seriously. The vast majority of my business now comes from personal referrals. 
    My love for animals is something I was born with. Caring for them came naturally to me. I was blessed to have a Mom who allowed me and my siblings to rescue as many creatures in need that crossed our path.
    Raised in a once rural part of the San Fernando Valley my work with animals began at a very young age.  My favorite  destination was always the Placerita Nature Center, where I first learned about the basic traits and care for many species. Later, as a young adult with pets of my own, I was heavily influenced by the training techniques of Paul Owens, the (Original) Dog Whisperer. (I highly recommend his training books!!)
    My business philosophy is based on mutual respect for both pet and owner. I believe in minimizing trauma, separation anxiety, and exposure to other animals' illness and disease. That is why I founded an at-home pet care service, where your loved ones can remain safe and happy in their own environment regardless of what calls you away.
    A Dean's List graduate of CSUN, and 15 year veteran of the television advertising industry here in Los Angeles, I shifted gears a few years ago, finally focusing on what truly makes me happy: working with animals!!  Helping create harmony in the homes of pets and their owners is the most satisfying work I have ever done.
    I am continuing my education at ABC (Animal Behavior College) where I am pursuing advanced certification as a behavior specialist ,with special emphasis on training Guide, Therapy, and Search and Rescue team dogs.
    Meanwhile, I am thrilled to have a diverse range of animals to care for among my clients.  I have been entrusted with the care of many dogs & cats, birds, fish, snakes, frogs, toads, turtles, newts, mice, rabbits, rats, guinea pigs, chinchillas, and a few other creatures. In fact, aside from one very ill-tempered Ostrich, I have never said 'no' to helping any type of animal. Whatever pets you currently have, if you love them, so will I.   :)
    I am available to visit or to sit overnight, and welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver to you the best service in the industry. I am licensed, and fully insured.... and have more client references and testimonials than I can fit on this page!!  Cheers

    Hollywood Dog Nanny
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