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LA Pet Sitting Service
Maria gallagher
8709 26th street
metairie, LA 70003
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    St. James Pet Sitting Service
    St. John the Baptist Pet Sitting Service

    Kritter Krewe


    Initial Consultation        FREE (30-45 min)

    Per  Visit (1 to 2 pets)

    $20 (25-30 min) Dogs Require min of 2 visits a day.

    Hourly rates available, Just ask!

    Prices subject to change before web site updates.

    Due to parking, milage, and gas prices,additional surcharge of $6.00 per visit  will apply to the following areas: French Quarter, Warehouse District, CBD, Convention Center and Marigny triangle (other areas may apply).

    Day Care  $20  per day Mon- Fri (7-8 hours- Each additional
    hour $10) , $25 Sat-Sun (7-8 hour max, each additional hour $15.)
    Dogs under #20 pounds only, due to space restrictions.

    Holidays (additional charge per visit)    $10 per visit
    Holidays include: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve,Christmas
    Day, New Years Eve, New Years Day, Labor Day, Mardi Gras,
    Memorial Day Weekend, Fourth of July Weekend.
    Others may

    Dog Food (running out)     $8 plus cost of food.

    MORE THAN 2 pets, ADD $5 for each

    Please schedule adequate time to provide the services
    requested.  If your pet or home needs more time then
    scheduled, it will be added as needed and billed to you.  More
    difficult tasks are $5-$10 extra per 15 minutes.

    We belong to Pet Sitters Associates, LLC

    We do have a comprehensive hurricane evacuation plan. We have two locations that will allow us to care for animals out of state should the city need to be evacuated. There is a fee associated with this action and we will provide full details with each pet sitting contract.

    We offer grooming services with prices starting at $25.

    Basic Groom includes:

    Bath/Nails/Gland extraction. Trim sanitary areas as needed and feet.

    Ask us and we'll try to accomadate your needs.

    Kritter Krewe

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