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Kingston Pet Sitting Service
Jay Cash
713 Calvin St
Kingston, TN 37763
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    Initial meeting: Free
    During this meeting we will discuss the needs of your dog(s) and fill out all paperwork.

    The Potty break: 5 minutes  $7.00
    The "Potty Break" is designed for those house pets that may need to go outside but do not need a full 30 minute walk.

    The Jog: 30 minutes $10.00
    The "Jog" is designed to get your pet moving during the day.  During the "Jog" your dog will get his heart rate up and use some of that energy he's been storing all day. 

    The Rocky: 45 minutes $13.00
    The "Rocky" is for the really active dog.  During the "Rocky" your dog will feel like he is training for the big title belt.

    The Mountain top: 1 hour $15.00
    The "Mountain top" is for those dogs that have the most energy.  During the "mountain top" your dog will feel like he's on top of the world and you will appreciate how content your dog is when you come home.

    Group workout: 30 minutes $7.00
    The "Group workout" is designed for the social dog to interact with other dogs during a 30 minute walk.  The "group workout" is a great way for you and your neighbors to get your dogs together for a walk  and to save some money in the process.

    The Puppy: 2 Potty breaks $10.00
    The "Puppy" is designed for that new puppy to get outside a couple times during the day for those "potty breaks."  We know that puppies can't go longer than 4 hours at a time without going to the bathroom so we are offering to break up this visit into two parts: once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

    The Vacation: (Option 1)  $30.00   (Option 2)  50.00
    The "Vacation" is just that we provide pet care while you are on vacation.  We provide two options to choose from: 1) We walk your dog 2 times each day and provide an extra time just for play.  2) We housesit for you while you are gone.  We arrive at your house at 6:00 pm and leave at 9:00 am. 

    The "Pooper Scooper"  $10.00
    We provide weekly yard waste pickup

    All walks are on-leash and include waste cleanup during the walk. 


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