Michele Flagg 5351 W Juddville rd Owosso, MI 48867
Show Phone NumberPhone: 989-725-9600 Alt. Phone: 989-277-0899
Professional Pet & Farm Sitting by Michele
About Me am a Registered Nurse by trade but have, since childhood, always wanted to care for animals. Like most little girls who loved animals I dreamed of becoming a Veterinarian. I grew up, got married, had kids of my own and that dream became further from reach. At 40 years old, I feel I am too old to go back to school for 8 more years but I am in a position where I can fulfill my childhood dream of caring for animals, just in a different way. By using my services, you will be giving me the opportunity to have that dream and a job I love to do. Isn't that what everyone desires about their job... have one they love to do?
Before I began my nursing career I successfully completed a Veterinary Assistant Certificate course through Mott Community College in Flint, Michigan. At that time veterinary assistant jobs were scarce so I took a job at a pet shop. I cared for all types of animals there: reptiles, rodents, birds, puppies, kittens, even skunks and raccoons! That store eventually went out of business. Later, I worked at the Humane Society of Genesee County for several years and loved every minute of it! I was going to school for nursing while I worked at the Humane Society and when I graduated I left there to pursue my nursing career but never letting go of my childhood dream of wanting to care for animals.
While nursing is a wonderful and noble profession, I never could let my dream die. I still wanted my childhood dream to come true. In November of 2006, I made a decision to give it a shot. I learned about the pet-sitting demand a long time ago when I was working at the Humane Society. Back then, petsitting as a career was in it's infancy. Not many knew there was such a thing (and still don't). I had even used a pet-sitter back then on several occasions and was totally satisfied with the services I received. I thought "what a great idea... people do need this service".
So here I am today, trying to do what I have always wanted to do. I took a part-time position at the hospital and ventured down the petsitting path. If it weren't for the support of my husband, Jeff, and my sons, Rick, Brian, and Jeffrey I wouldn't be able to do this. They have been wonderfully supportive of my decision and I am hoping to make this my full time career.
I have had the privilege of sharing my home with all kinds of pets over the years. It seems, while I worked at the Humane Society, I was constantly bringing home new critters to add to our family either by adopting or fostering. Currently, my companions are 2 dogs; Sherman, my elderly Dalmatian who was a shelter dog, and Roxy, my 6 year old English Bulldog. Also in my clan are Moe-Moe the cat, 2 horses, Cherokee and Molly, Jack the rabbit, Aflac the duck, and too many chickens to name!
I look forward to meeting you and your furry, feathered and hooved friends! And don't forget to keep your dreams alive... It can happen!
About Me
Home Services About Me
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