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Starting a Pet Sitting Business, Starting a Dog Walking Service
Kristin Morrison
1 Park Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
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    Business Coaching for Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers

    Services And Pricing

    Overnight Pet and House Sitting:
    Overnight sitting includes feeding and playing with the pets, bringing in the mail and newspaper, taking garbage to curb, watering plants, two walks (a.m. and p.m.), scooping litter box daily, and of course, spending the night in your home with your pets.  The love is free of charge. (we serve Marin County and some surrounding counties like: San Francisco, Sonoma County and Solano County for overnight pet sitting.)
       $55-65/per night-1 dog*
       $5-10/each additional dog*
       $55-60/night for kitty-only overnights*

    Dog Walking: 40-45 minute hike or neighborhood walk
    One Dog: $25-30/per walk
    Two Dogs: $35-40/per walk
    Dogs are pack animals and THRIVE on connection with their fellows.  Give your dog the gift of a “sibling” a few times a week without having to actually care for another dog in your home! Please note: we charge a higher fee and/or a lower walk time for dogs who must be walked individually.  We're happy to discuss how we can help with your dog's special needs. (we serve Marin County for dog  walking and we require a minimum of two set days a week for this service)

    Dog/Cat/Bird Visits:  Visits include feeding, playing, walks for dogs, bringing in mail and newspaper, scooping litter box, taking garbage to curb, and watering a small number of plants if needed.  The love is free. (we serve Marin County for dog, cat and bird visits)
               $25-35/per daily visit*

    Puppy Care:  Visits are 25-30 minutes and include:  feeding, loving and walking the puppy while reinforcing the basic commands that you go over with us. Visits may also include cleaning up any messes made in your absence and socialization with other dogs when you give us the okay to do so.
    (we serve Marin County for puppy care and we require a minimum of two set days a week for this service)
               $25-30/per daily visit*

    *Please note that the actual price may be lower or higher than the price listed above due to each client’s unique situation and pet care needs. We ask that you call Kristin at the WOOF office so that she may speak to you directly about your pet care needs. WOOF! (thank you)

    **Rates may be higher if you have multiple animals, if you require extensive watering of indoor/outdoor plants, if you need an overnight sitter who can stop in mid-day in addition to providing overnight care, or other special circumstances that your pet or home may require. Rates may be lower for clients traveling for extended periods of time.

    Business Coaching for Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers

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