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A friendly and professional pet sitting service nestled in the heart of the Triangle. I specialize in providing personalized home pet sitting care and daily dog walking services for your pets.
Nina LaMonica

Cary, NC 27513
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    Critter Sitter of Cary~Home Pet Sitting~There's No Place Like Home

    Services & Rates

    How My Service Works

    When you call Critter Sitter of Cary, I arrange for a Free Meet & Greet visit to your home to:

    • Meet you and your pets
    • Get detailed information about caring for your pets and your home
    • Get veterinary release signature
    • Pick up a door key (please double check that key works)
    • Complete a service agreement

    During this visit, you decide how often you want me to visit each day and what services you want performed.

    Each visit to your home is 30 minutes and includes:

    • Loving care for all your pets      
    • Fresh food & water
    • Refresh litter boxes daily
    • Necessary medications
    • Outdoor walks & play (10 - 15 minutes, outdoors)
    • Cuddle time & sweet talk
    • Lots of love and attention
    • Daily brushing
    • Clean up any pet messes
    • Daily pet reports
    • Careful attention to detail
    • Watering plants, taking in mail, newspapers & packages
    • Alternate blinds/curtains/lights
    • Take garbage to curb
    • Give your house a lived-in look
    • Bedtime visits (after 9PM) are accommodated for an additional amount

    Base Fees

    • Vacation visit base rate is $17.00 per visit for up to 30 minutes.
    • Vacation visits that are longer than 30 minutes, are $5.00 more, for every 15 minutes. (e.g. 45 minutes, $22.00)
    • * 20 Minute Mid-day dog walks are $16.00 per visit for up to 2 dogs for. Additional $3.00 per pet.
    • * If you use my service 5 days a week for 20 minute pet walks, there is a discount of $15.00/$75.00 per week, for up to 2 dogs.
    • *30 minute Mid-Day walks are $17.00 per visit for up to 2 pets. Additional $3.00 per pet.Discount applies if you do 30 minute walks 5 days a week $16.00/80.00.
    • Mid-day dog walks are not given on the weekend.
    • All visits on the weekend are otherwise considered "Vacation Visits" & that is how you will be charged.
    • Final quote of fees will be determined at the consultation visit depending on each situation.
    • Payment is due before or on the first day that service starts.

    Hours of Service

    A specific time of arrival is not guaranteed. I will ask what your preferred time is; however, I work alone, and I cannot guarantee a specific time of arrival to your home. Pets that are on medication get first priority. I allow a 30 minutes interval of time for arriving to each client's home. This constraint is in place to allow for the care of unavoidable circumstances that may arise at another client's home and/or difficulty in travel.


    • Vacation AM visits will be some time between 7AM and 9AM
    • Vacation PM visits will be some time between 3PM and 5PM
    • Vacation Night visits will be some time between 7PM and 9PM
    • Daily Mid Day dog visits will be some time between 10AM and 3PM
    • Any visit before 7AM or after 9PM is an additional $5.00 fee.
    • There will never be more than 12 hours between dog visits.

    Cats & Other Critters

    Cats & other critters (fish, birds, hamsters, etc.) will be visited at approximately the same time each day sometime between 10AM and 4PM depending on my schedule, location of other jobs and weather conditions.


    Please make your reservations early. I can only take a limited number of pets, as I work alone. If I am unable to accomodate you, I will help you find another Pet Sitter that can.


    If you need to cancel a scheduled vacation visit, please do so as early as possible (a week at least). I totally understand if something unexpected comes up & you have to cancel, but, I am often forced to refuse a client, due to unavailable time & this affects my business (another words, I lose money). If you cancel less than 3 days before a scheduled vacation visit of 5 days or more, there is a cancellation fee $50.00. If you need to cancel your Mid-Day Dog walk(s), for any reason, e.g.,vacation & your pet is going with you, or you are a teacher that tracks out , you are still charged a retainer fee of 50% for that time period to hold your spot. I cannot resell time that has been expressly held and reserved for you. This is not only something that I love to do, it is how I make my living. If for any reason that I am not available for your Mid-Day Dog walks due to illness or my vacation time, I certainly do NOT expect to be paid.


    There will be a $8.00 additional fee ($25.00) per Each Visit on the following holidays: 

    • New Years Eve
    • New Years Day
    • Easter Sunday
    • Memorial Day
    • 4th of July
    • Labor Day
    • Thanksgiving
    • Christmas Eve
    • Christmas Day

    Critter Sitter of Cary~Home Pet Sitting~There's No Place Like Home
    Services & Rates

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