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DOGWALKER etc! - Hawaii's Premier Pet Sitting Company
Erin Gerwig
3019 woolsey pl
honolulu, HI 96822
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    Dogwalker Etc LLC


    Our Services...

    We cater to all domestic pets, from great
    danes to guinea pigs! We can customize
    any schedule to meet your and your pet's

    If you don't see it here...just ask!
    Please call or
    us for a complete
    list of services with rates for each.

    Dog Walking

    For the busy professional or
    anyone who needs a helping
    hand. We visit mid-day for those who work long hours. If you’re traveling away from home we can visit up to 3x per day.  Walks take us wherever you direct in the neighborhood. If you'd like us to serve medication or meal/snack we can do that too!
    * starting at $20.00/visit, discounts available for monthly contracts. Call or email us for pricing.

    Pet Sitting Visits...

    …And our other furry friends. Visit length is typically shorter and designed for our smaller friends: cats, birds, rabbits, turtles, fish, hamsters, etc! Perfect for feeding, watering, scooping, and a little TLC. We can always stay longer if you like!
    * starting at $20.00/visit, discounted bathing services available. Call or email us for pricing.

    Overnight Pet & House Sitting

    Rest easy while away! Guilt free, no more bugging friends & family. Reliable professional sitters will sleep over with your pets keeping them company through the night. Services may also include plant care, mail & newspaper retrieval, home monitoring, etc. Visits last a min. 12 hours.
    * prices start at $55.00/night

    Private Boarding

    Our sitters welcome your pets into their homes to spend the night! DOGWALKER etc. has limited boarding availability at the homes of many of our sitters.  We provide family-style accomodations (not kennels), plenty of love, exercise and attention.  You are welcome to pay a visit to become familiar with your pet's vacation home! We request that you provide bedding, food and treats so that your pets may best maintain their normal routine.
    * prices start at $60.00/night, discounted rate for 2nd pet; pick up & drop off service available...see Pet Transportation

    Doggy Tours

    Arranged monthly to an exotic hawaiian destination. Tours are for highly social & energetic dogs. Trip lengths will be announced depending upon our destination (usually 2-4 hours). See the doggy tours page for upcoming destinations!
    * prices start at $25.50/pet

    Field Trips

    If your pet just loves the outdoors we'll go to the park, a hiking trail or out to the beach! Similar to the doggy tours but this is designed for one on one time. You decide where we go and for how long. Min. 1 hour.
    * prices start at $30.00/hour


    Need to get your pup to the groomer? Is your cat late for the vet? We will provide a "taxi" service for your pets to and from their appointments.
    * prices start at $18.00/hour (min 1 hr) + .60/mile


    Does your pet need a cleaning in between visits to the groomer? A light wash after a long day of playing in the dirt or after a short roll in something smelly!
    * prices vary upon breed size & hair length

    The Pampered Pet

    For general good health maintenance we can tend to the little things! Includes 2 teeth brushing, 2 ear cleanings & 1 nail clipping per month. Pets must be temperament tested for this service.
    * price $25.00/month

    For no additional charge, DOGWALKER etc will provide a journal of all your pet's activities while you're away by your request. This service would detail any irregularities, health or behavioral issues. All prices subject to change, contact us for details.

    Dogwalker Etc LLC

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