Pet Sitting RatesPet Sitting Rates
One dog or cat $16 per visit*
Each additional pet $2 per visit
(*Service area includes all visits within a 10 mile radius of our office in the Duluth/Johns Creek area; due to increasing gas prices, visits over 10 miles will incur a small travel fee.)
Major Holidays (Christmas Eve & Day, New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day, Easter)
Add $5.00.
Each visit is 30 minutes of companionship, food and fun for your pet.
Each visit includes fresh food and water, clean litter box, take care of messes, oral medications/vitamins, play time and exercise, bring in mail and paper, water indoor plants, rotate lights, blinds, drapes, take out trash, bring up trashcans. Other services available for additional costs.
All fees are payable in advance. We accept cash, checks, Visa and Mastercard
Walking Services
Daily dog walks are great when you are working long hours. No Furry Worries will break up the day with a lunchtime walk - then before they know it, you will be home!
$15 for a 30 minute walk
$67 for five 30 minute walks
$4 for each additional dog
Pet Sitting Rates