Services We Offer:
Mid-day - involve dog exercise & playtime. We can set up for once, twice or three visits per-day servicing.
Pet-Taxi - we offer travel to and from groomers; to/and from the vet to customer's home.
K-9 Fitness - involves dog walks and exercise for the pets.
Cat-Time - involves exercise for cats & kittens along with playtime.
New Pet Care - we will come to your home and help you pet-proof for your new baby.
Pet Sitting Service
Mid- Day Let Outs - We will come to your house or apartment, even your office and let your pet out for a potty-break, and then some one-on-one play time. We have Vacanies in many area(s). Call us and see, if we are in your area.
Dog- Day Out Program - is visiting a dog one or two days a week. We also provide potty break, food/water exchange and some quality play time. Vacanies are available in following area(s) of Hagerstown, Smithsburg, Boonesboro, Rohrersville, MD and Waynesboro, Pa.
Business Trip or Weekend Get-A-Way - We come to your home and take care of your pet while you are away. We can stay over if you would like us to provide House/Pet Sitting Services.
Vacations- This would be for pet sitting services for a pet for a week or more. Reservations are required two weeks before leaving. Full deposit is required as Reservation is made. Balance is due a week before planned vacation.
For Holidays Vacations - We charge $20 more for these services. If you come home early, we do not give refunds.
Service Business for Pets