Jayne Smith 21776 Belleview Creek Rd Sonora, CA 95370
Show Phone NumberPhone: 209-532-9398
ProfessionaL Pet Services
"I was born in Mexico City, from parents who were very active in our community. This rubbed off on us six children. Being the third from the top, I was most inclined to explore new places and meet new people. During these travelings the love for animals and people grew equally strong, and for that I am very grateful.
After dedicating many years of full time social work in the area of psychiatric mental health, my education and on-going research in human and animal behavior allowed me to interconnect the beautiful and yet unique relationship between humans and animals, "their pets". It also opened the avenue for me to start dog training at the basic level and later behavioral rehabilitation. More than 15 years have gone by and
yet there is more to be learned from animals, especially DOGS.
Jayne and I also have dedicated many years to the rescue and re-homing of animals. Dogs specifically, Border Collies, Aussies and the herding breeds in particular,
Some of my hobbies are sheep herding, reading, movies and doing jobs around the property to please Jayne!
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