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Meryl Pomerantz

Bartlett, IL
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    Fat Cat Pet Sitters

    We are a loving and responsible Pet Sitting service
    designed to give your furry friends the very best of care. Lots
    of hugs
    and cuddle time are essential ! In-home pet care is a
    wonderful service
    for your cat. Staying in their own familiar
    home, eating from their own bowls, sleeping on their own
    comfy pillows, bed, or your bed ! 
    What could be better than that ? No stress, no trauma, no crates,
    no threat of disease from a kennel and/or other pets. Trusting 
    someone with the safety of your beloved kitty as well as the securityof your home is serious business. 
    When we have our consultation, it's all about your furry friends
    and you -- from what they like to eat, to their favorite games and toys !  We will talk about your cat's specific needs and answer any questions you might have.  It's our 'getting to know you' time
    and we always have fun.

    Rest easy knowing we monitor your cat's behavior and watch for any changes in appetite, water consumption, socializing and litter box habits.  With particular care for the timid ones, seniors, and those with health issues.  Unlike some general pet care services, we specialize in cats and take pride in knowing how to keep them secure, content, and happy.

    In addition, we do more than just scoop the litter box and clean pet bowls daily.  We're happy to collect mail/newspapers, water indoor plants, keep indoor/outdoor lights on and rotate them if not on timers.  And we will leave the radio on for nervous or lonely kitties.  Most importantly, we always bring lots of hugs and cuddle time.

    Our Rates

    $18 per 30 minute visit up to 4 cats
    Rates may vary dependent on how many pets need our attention

    Additional fees apply for watering outdoor plants or gardens, holidays or special considerations

    Fat Cat Pet Sitters
    pet sitter, Fat Cat Pet Sitters Bartlett, IL Home

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