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Dogs,Cats and Company
Jackie Snyders
6754 S Webster St unit 102
Littleton, CO 80128
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    Dogs, Cats and Company


    We offer numerous services to our clients. This is a small list of our basic care services. Please call if you need additional services or requests, or if you have any questions. We are happy to help at Dogs, Cats and Company. All pet sitting services include, at no charge, checking the mail, picking up newspapers, trash, and, if needed, watering several house plants.

    Pet Sitting for Dogs:

    $22.00 per visit (price includes 2 pets) 30 min, available 7 days per week?.

    ?All visits include a good walk, play time, fresh food and water, and lots of love and attention.
    We make sure your pets are happy and content by following the same schedules you do, and keeping the routine normal and your pets calm and content. We require 2 visits per day, but we can visit 3 or 4 times, as well, depending on your dog’s needs.

    Pet Sitting for Cats:

    $16.00 for 15 min visits

    $20.00? for 30 min visits
    We offer cat care in your home to help maintain your kitty’s health and happiness.  Each visit includes fresh food and water, litter box cleaning, lots of love and attention, and play time. We require one visit every 24 hours to make sure they are doing well.


    $65.00 *Limited space available?.

    For some pets a mid-day visit is needed in addition, please add $15.00 for this service.

    We come to your home and stay with your pets for a 12 hour overnight period, hours negotiable.?

    ???Dog Walking: ?

    Available Monday-Friday, between the hours of 9:00am-3:00pm?.

    $15.00 per walk, 15 min, *4-5 set days per week.

    $16.00 per walk, 30 min, *4-5 set days per week?.

    $17.00 per walk,  30 min, *3 set days per week or less.

    $20.00 per walk, 30 min, rotating schedule, at least one day per week.

    $25.00 per walk, 30 min, as needed schedule, anything other than schedules listed above. ?

    Individual dog walking in your neighborhood! Dogs receive a thorough walk, and you choose how many days per week.  Do you work long hours?   Do you think your pup needs more exercise? We can help!  We will take your dog on a good, productive walk, keeping him/her in shape.  We reinforce good behavior and make sure they are happy. You will see the difference very quickly! ?

    ?Puppy Let-Outs and Puppy Training Visits:

    $15.00 per visit, 15 min, 5 days per week.

    $28.00 for two visits, 15 min each, 5 days per week. *Anything less than 5 days per week is $16.00 per visit.
    This is perfect for training your little pup to hold it a little longer, and for making sure that positive reinforcements are in place for good leash training and street safety. We can provide a treat for good behavior, and make sure that they take care of business. We will help you to get them off to a great start in life!

    Dog Training/Psychology

    ?$45 per session?, $40 for established clients or with new dog walking contract.

    $20 for initial consultation and partial session.

    ?Experienced dog psychologist Jackie Snyders will help provide your family, human and canine, with a more peaceful living situation with her dog psychology-based training sessions! Call or e-mail for more information. ?

    ??Medications for Dogs and Cats (pet sitting rates apply)?

    If  your pet is diabetic or recently had surgery, we can help by administering medications when you can’t be there to give them. We work with diabetic animals, and pets with thyroid conditions too, as well as post-surgery pets. Give us a call to see how we can help you!

    Dogs, Cats and Company
    Dogs,Cats and Company

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