Kami Snoeberger Near 528 Blvd. SE Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Show Phone NumberPhone: 505-892-4617
XpectMore PetCare
Trust Worthy and Reliable Pet Care.
A place where pets are treated like and feel like part of the Family.
Kami of XpectMore Petcare is Lovable and Cuddly all of the time. My Home or Yours. Great Prices $10-$20. I have owned, trained, and cared for animals during my whole life (now in my mid-forties). Please interview me. Friendly dogs can stay at my house or I go to your house for any kind of pet, plants, yards, etc.
Traveling of any sort is very hard to accomplish when you have adorable pets. Sometimes they can go along with us, but at times they just can not. Especially in the hot months if they have to stay in the car. It is always a challenge finding a trustworthy sitter. It is even harder to feel comfortable in the hands that you leave them in. I am a mommy in my mid-forties. I have a great love for animals of all sorts. I am a Strong Supporter and Strong Lover of all animals. Before I had anyone sit for my pets, I had to visit them and even interview them. You can do the same. Come visit and meet me. Interview me. I accept very friendly dogs to stay in my home or I will travel to your home as many times a day as you request. I assure you that you will find trust in me.
I will even care for your horses, plants, yards, and anything else for you while you are away. My pricing is negotiable and very reasonable.
XpectMore PetCare is Licensed and Insured. A proud member of "Pet Sitters Associations, LLC".
Trust Worthy and Reliable Pet Care. Most Affordable