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Middleton Pet Sitting Service
Julie Prince
38 Boston St.
Middleton, MA 01949
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    Paw Prince Pet Care Service

    PAW PRINCE Pet Care Service Bonded & Insured

    Member of Pet Sitters Associates, LLC

    Why you should choose

    Paw Prince

    as you're pet service?...

    My name is Julie, I am a 27 year old proud mother of two

    American Eskimos, three cats and a fish tank.

    I've grown up having many pets and could

    never imagine life without them.

    I am a college graduate with a Bachelors

    Degree in Visual Communications.

    After graduating, I found myself being

    pulled more and more towards the field

    of pet care. By having this love of animals

    and over twenty years experience

    of caring for my own pets,

    I knew I had to follow my

    Passion for Pet Care.

    I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to

    work for a highly reputable pet service

    company in the city of Boston. While

    employed there, I knew I had made the right

    career change. I decided it was

    time to bring this kind of service to my own

    community to help fellow pet owners.

    This is how Paw Prince came to be!

    As a pet owner, I understand that your

    pets are part of the family. (I consider my

    pets as my children!) I understand the hardships

    a pet owner goes through when leaving

    their pets in someone else's care.

    I will love and care for your pets as if they

    were my own. That I can guarantee!

    Whether you are at work or on vacation,

    I will come to your home and provide

    the care your pets need. The great thing

    about being a Paw Prince customer is that your

    pets will never again have to be caged at a

    kennel. Your pets can remain in the comfort

    of your own home while you're away.





    Fresh water at every visit

    Litter box maintenance

    Administering of oral medications,

    Insulin injections, and

    Subcutaneous fluids

    Pick up/Drop off

    -at vet or groomers

    While you're away:

    Water Plants

    Alternating lights

    Bring in mail

    Services needed that are not listed?

    Middleton Pet Sitting Service

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