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Dallas Pet Sitting Service
Kimberly Larkin
5400 Preston Oaks Rd. # 2098
Dallas, TX 75254
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    A Companion for your Companion

    I was raised with all standard family pets in N. Dallas (dad built our house before there was a 635-I'm a native). Mom and Dad let us have most anything we wanted. Within reason! Though I did get by with a baby rat at one time telling my mom he was a mouse. Once he got large the gig was up but by that time he was a member of the family. We had dachshunds growing up, two at a time always. Purchased in Germany and brought over. That's where my love began. Mom and Dad bought us gerbils (man, those bite!) and then I had fish, too. Canaries? HUGE mistake! LOUD, adorable, not really for a bedroom I found but I adored them. In any event, this is asking me to state "experience", I wouldn't be on here if I didn't have that sooooo....I will say this, either you have the sort of soul within you that wants to protect and care for things that cannot on their own and ever since you're a child your heart would melt at the site of those things, or you don't. As a pet owner- you must know what I mean. You want them to feel calm, safe and secure. To let them feel no fear only trust and a gentle hand. I always say- their quality of life depends strictly on the effort your willing to give. Their quality of life is in your hands. If you would care to sit and introduce me to your special little one(s), have a coffee, tell me what they need, how they are most comfortable, show me pictures, tell me your best stories of their character. I would love to know. I decided to give up the corporate thing. I wanted to do what makes me happy (on my dad's advice).I choose this because I have always known this is what I like to do. I wish all pets had people like you, taking the time to research this site and look for the best for them. It is no easy task to put your trust in a perfect stranger when it comes to care for your pet, your friend, your pal, your son or daughter. To let them in your home when you are not around. I insist on an interview first, with no strings attached. Just a meet and greet. Thanks for reading. Good luck in your search. I wish you and yours all the very best.
    Dallas Pet Sitting Service

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