Melanie Ginoza 11102 Zier Rd Yakima, WA 98908
Your Pets are in Good Hands
You don't have to worry about the health and happiness of your pets, when you are on vacation or working hard away from home. In Good Hands will provide loving pet care services in your own home for a reasonable per-visit rate. Our experiences and ongoing education have taught us how to diligently watch for potential problems and to handle all the special needs of your home while you are away. When you return home you can expect everything to be just you left it. Instead of paying for multiple pets & large animals in a day care or kennel boarding situation, along with paying separate fees for vacation services (such as mail retrieval, plant watering, security checks), you can pay one reasonable fee to have a professional provide all the care you need. And your pets get to stay together in your clean, quiet, and safe home while getting the love and attention they each need. IN GOOD HANDS