Michelle Monteforte
San Ramon, CA 94582
Show Phone NumberPhone: 925-803-8839 Mobile: 925-640-3810
PETS PLUS - Professional Pet Service
PETS PLUS provides professional pet services. During our complimentary get-aquainted visit when we meet you and your pet, we will customize your pets' care so that your pet is not traumatized by you leaving. You can be assured that your pet will get the love, exercise and special attention it deserves. The pet remains in their own environment with the smells, sounds and their items that are familiar to them. They are HOME! They will miss you but know that you will be home because that is what is familiar to them. You leave them home all the time but eventually you do return from the store, your day out, work, etc. This is a pattern you have already set with them and they will wait. While they are waiting, they get a special friend, PETS PLUS, who visits their home to take care of them. This includes lots of TLC (one on one attention), food, fresh water, exercise time and a walk. I strongly believe in exercising pets. This helps them sleep better, act better and not miss you as much.
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