Tamara Bean 16013 12th Ave NE Shoreline, WA 98155
Show Phone NumberPhone: 206-965-9681 Alt. Phone: 206-412-4440
Fetch! Pet Care of Seattle North
Services Offered:
Pet Sitters, Pet Taxi, dog walkers, private cage-free pet boarding, doggie day care, in home overnight sitting, dog park adventures, licensed, daily walks, home care cat & small pet visits, medication and more!
Fetch! Pet Care is a Nationwide Service provider
that has over 1000 locally owned and operated
locations. We are now open in the King County
area and provide;
Our comprehensive in-home pet sitting and dog
walking services are a HUMANE alternative for
pet owners concerned about potential health and
psychological risks associated with kennel
boarding and daycare facilities. We enable pets
to stay at home in their own environment where
they are comfortable and can maintain their
normal routine. This also enables us to keep
close watch on the client's house to make sure
everything's safe and secure while they're
away. And we always bring in your mail and
paper, water plants, rotate lights and blinds so
your home looks lived in.
Alternatively, our clients can board their pets
in our pet sitter's homes where they are "free
range" and get personalized love and attention
from our staff.
Our staff is bonded, insured, background checked
and fully trained so you don't have to worry
about who you are trusting your pet with!
Personalized care, exercise, play, and attention
are a natural part of our services, not extra
cost add-ons. These are healthier alternatives
to a kennel.
With us you have a specific person - your
sitter - who is responsible for your pet's well
being. You can call your sitter at any time to
check up. Your sitter knows you and your pet
personally and will call you immediately if
there is a problem.
In the event of a health problem we will take
your pet to your regular veterinarian instead of
an unknown on-call vet. This could be crucial in
an emergency since only your vet is familiar
with your pet's health history.
"We've got your tail covered."
Fetch! Pet Care - Welcome to Fetch! Pet Care
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