Sheila Teague PO Box 2162 Welcome, NC 27374
Show Phone NumberPhone: 336-682-7620
Sheila's Zoo Pet-Sitting Service
Pet sitters do much more than provide your pet with food and water while you're away from home. A good pet sitter also spends quality time with your pet, gives him exercise, and knows how to tell if your pet needs veterinary attention. What's more, pet sitters typically offer additional services, such as bringing in mail and newspapers, watering plants, turning lights on and off, and providing homes with a lived-in look to deter crime.
But just because someone calls herself a pet sitter doesn't mean she's qualified to do the job. This information will help you find the best pet sitter for you and your pet.
When you must be away from home—say for travel or an emergency—and don't want to leave your pet in a boarding kennel, who takes care of your pet? If you're like many pet owners, you ask a friend or neighbor to stop in and pour some kibble and water in your pet's bowls. But is this what's best for your pet? There's a good chance that your friends and neighbors lack proper pet-care experience and have even forgotten to show up. They may also resent frequent requests to look after your pet while you're gone. So what is the solution? Consider hiring a "pet sitter"—a professional, qualified individual paid to care for your pet.
A pet sitter offers both you and your pet many benefits.
Your pet gets:
- the environment he knows best.
- his same diet and routine.
- relief from traveling to and staying in an unfamiliar place with other animals (such as a boarding kennel).
- attention while you're away.
You get:
- happier friends and neighbors, who aren't burdened with caring for your pet.
- the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your pet is being cared for by a professional.
- someone to bring in your newspaper and mail so potential burglars don't know you're away.
- someone who will come to your home so you don't have to drive your pet to a boarding kennel.
- other services provided by most pet sitters, such as plant watering and pet grooming.
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