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Valley Springs Pet Sitting Service
Janet Wadkins
PO Box 606
Valley Springs, CA 95252
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    Barnyard Nanny professiona pet sitting

    Why use a Pet  & Farm Sitter?

    How many times have you said?

    "We can't go because we need to be home in time to feed"

    When was the last time the whole family got to get away?  At least one family member has to stay home to tend to the critters right?  Do you ever ask a relative or the teenager next door to watch over things, only to worry the whole time that they might get busy and
    forget?Pet owners, wouldn't your pet be more comfortable staying at

    home rather than a boarding facility? For farm-animals,
    boarding is just not practical, they must stay home.  

    That's where we come in.

    Barnyard Nanny
    professional farm & pet sitting services

    is owned and operated by Janet and Ralph Wadkins of Valley Springs, Ca.We are livestock & pet owners just like you. Living in a rural community is a dream come true for most of us, until it comes time to get away. When we ask family or neighbors to take care of our animals, do they do so reluctantly? Knowing
    they don't have a clue how to feed a horse or a chicken.  

    What would happen if the animals got sick?  

    Would they know what to look for?  

    Would they know who to call?  

    So many  questions.... how can we enjoy time away without worrying the whole time?

    With our professional service you'll feel confident about leaving your animals at home. We have hands-on experience with horses, donkeys and other farm animals and know how to look out for the pets in your
    barn or in your home

    With a professional pet sitter or farm sitter all your farm animals and household pets are taken care of at one reasonable fee. And we don't have an additional charge for multiple pets. We charge by the time not the number of animals.

    Once you've completed the initial consultation, you'll be able to leave home with just a phone call, knowing your critters are in good hands! For worry-free time away call your Barnyard Nanny!

    "we stay home so you don't have to"

    Barnyard Nanny professiona pet sitting
    Valley Springs Pet Sitting Service

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